Thursday, December 21, 2017

B-Lite Classic

B-Lite Classic

Just ONE of the IMPORTANT Benefits of the array of 8 different VIT. B’s in our B-LITE Classic
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is an important vitamin required by the human body. It can be found in meat, green leaves, and vegetables and is essential for the breakdown of fat and protein. It also keeps the mucous membranes healthy.

The top five health benefits of vitamin B1 In our BLite Classic are:

1. Energy production: Vitamin B1 is responsible for converting sugar into energy. The vitamin acts as a co-enzyme in oxidizing sugar to produce energy for the smooth functioning of the body organs, especially the heart, brain, lungs, and kidneys.
2. Cardiovascular functions: This vitamin is responsible for the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that relays messages to the muscles and nerves. A deficiency of vitamin B1 leads to a decrease in the neurotransmitter and causes irregular heartbeat. Severe deficiency can cause congestive heart failure.
3. Eye health benefits: Essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 together with vitamin B1 help ensure eye health and prevent the formation of cataracts.
4. Improves brain function: It ensures smooth functioning of the brain and helps improve memory and concentration. Vitamin B1 helps relieve stress and also helps strengthen the nerves. The vitamin is used to reduce the progression of multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, cirrhosis, and other infections.
5. Development of myelin sheaths: Myelin sheaths are the protective covering of the nerves. Deficiency of vitamin B1 results in weakening of the sheaths. Adequate intake of vitamin B1 ensures the development of myelin sheaths and aids nerve functioning.
© Newsmax. All rights reserved.
Get started on B-Lite Classic today and feel GREAT in a very short period of time :)
Here is where you can find BLite Classic - Click on the link below
B-Lite Classic  from Nutrisail , no fillers all good stuff ! Start now
B-Lite Classic

Monday, December 11, 2017

Nutrisail Business Opportunity

NUTRISAIL Home Business Opportunity

Are you looking for a home business to start in 2018. Look no further then our Nutrisail home business opportunity.

FINALLY A Network Marketing Company That Cares! 
Leadership With Honest To Goodness INTEGRITY! 
Products That Are GOOD For You AND Flat Out Work! 
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Come Join Me TODAY!

For More Information on Nutrisail 
Call Anytime 1-352-697-3015
Patricia Koch
Nutrisial home business anyone can easily do. Get started today!
CLICK HERE - To see what your free website will look like


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Nutrisail B-Pro

Nutrisail B-Pro

 My Nutrisail B-Pro Testimony
Lately, I looked in the mirror and I saw a women with a large belly :( My toes hurt from arthritis. My stomach bloated up after meals. My neck muscles hurt from computer work and tension. I could not sleep due to my reflux. I knew I had to do something because I did not like what was happening to my 62 year old body. They say the older we get the less digestive enzymes we have to digest our food :( I want to share an experience that I am having with the Nutrisail product B-Pro. For the last week I have been taking 1 B-Pro before my 2 meals and 2 B-Pro 30 minutes before I go to bed. Here is my results in just 1 week. No more bloating after eating my meal. No more pain under my rib cage from gas after a meal. No more tension in my neck and shoulder muscles. No more arthritic pain in my toes and wrists. No more back aches. I sleep thru the night with no couching and or waking from acid reflux. My reflux is under control when I take the B-Pro. So far I have lost a 1/2" in my waist. I am not after weight loss with this product but it is a great plus. I feel so much better in just ONE WEEK :) B-Pro puts digestive enzymes in your stomach so you can digest your food better and pro biotics so you have a healthy gut. I have learned that most diseases start in your gut. I tend to believe that now because the longer I take the B-Pro the healthier I feel.
Maybe its time you tried the B-Pro. Read more about this wonderful product at
B-Pro from Nutrisail will improve your health as it did mine
Take B-Pro and get healthy again !

#digestive enzymes

Thursday, November 9, 2017

B-Lite Pills

B-Lite Pills 

B-Lite Pills are actually capsules
which is way better then pill

Your body absorbs the capsule much better then pills. Plus pills lots of the time have added magnesium stearate and silicon. Both are bad for your body and make it so less of the pills get absorbed into your system.

Nutrisail takes great pride in making their products with pure natural products, no fillers either.

Nutrisail's B-Lite contains no GMO and is Gluten free as is all of their products.

You will really feel the B-Lite working in just 30 minutes after you take it.

Also, Nutrisail offers a 60 day money back guarantee on all of their products. Not many companies do that anymore. Most companies will just let you exchange for another product.

I feel  that Nutrisail is a step above the other supplement companies.

B-Lite Pills actually B-Lite Capsules gives you energy, appetite suppression, curbs your sweet tooth and helps you lose some weight and inches making you a "healthier you ".

So try B-Lite today. What have you got to loose :)

Order your B-Lite at

B-Lite Pills are actually capsules so they are absorbed better. Get your today. 60 day money back guarantee.
B-LIte Pills


Thursday, October 26, 2017

BLite Daily Energizer From NutriSail

BLite Daily Energizer From Nutrisail

B-Lite Daily Energizer from Nutrisail is a product from Nutrisail based out of Texas. It has been on the market for 9 years. Nutrisail BLite has been helping men and women get their health back for years. Over the years B-Lite from Nutrisail has seen many loose weight and reach the health goals they were hoping for. BLite has a  full spectrum of B Vitamins. Many people say they already take B vitamins, but do you FEEL the B Vitamins working? You will with Nutrisail BLite. B-Lite has 95 mg of all natural caffeine, the equivalent of one cup of coffee. They also have a proprietary blend of herbs to increase energy, burn fat, increase mental clarity and control your appetite. The formula for Nutrisail’s B-Lite is one that works, you can feel the energy in 30 minutes. No jitters, no increased heart rate, just clean energy is what you will feel with this product.
When it comes to nutritional supplement formulas Nutrisail does not believe in shortcuts even if it costs more to produce. That’s why they only use premium, quality tested ingredients. When it comes to safety and effectiveness, we think it makes all the difference. So far, our customers agree.
Nutrisail does not put any fillers in their products AND no magnesium stearate that keeps vitamins from being digested properly in your body. All Nutrisail’s  products are Gluten Free, GMO Free and made in America with no fillers.
Here is what B-Lite can do for you
  • Control your appetite
  • Control your cravings
  • Energize your day
  • Enhance your mood
  • Boost fat loss
  • Increase mental clarity
  • Make you feel healthier
Are you ready to give BLite a try? Get your B-Lite at
Blite give you energy, mental clarity, burns fat and much more
Get started on BLite today


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Monosodium glutamate


Monosodium glutamate

The FDA has received many anecdotal reports of adverse reactions to foods containing MSG. These reactions — known as MSG symptom complex — include:

  • Headache
  • Flushing
  • Sweating
  • Facial pressure or tightness
  • Numbness, tingling or burning in the face, neck and other areas
  • Rapid, fluttering heartbeats (heart palpitations)
  • Chest pain
  • Nausea
  • Weakness 
 MSG comes in many processed foods and snacks. Similar to high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils, consumers need to get in the habit of looking for monosodium glutamate. MSG does not occur naturally in whole foods, so you do not have to worry about it in apples or bananas. Manufacturers are required to state if MSG is included in products on their food content label. Unfortunately, it might fall under different titles, making it very difficult to keep up with what foods contain the additive. Some other names for MSG, including monopotassium glutamate and vegetable protein extract, and several additives that contain various amounts of MSG.

Packaged And Processed Foods

Potato chips, frozen dinners, cold cuts, soups, rolled sausage, gravies, ranch dressing, salty flavored snacks, you name it; any of these items can contain MSG. Because MSG is added to so many packaged and processed foods, it is nearly impossible to list them all, let alone remember them on your next shopping trip. Keep your guard up and read food labels to check for suspect ingredients. Ingredients containing MSG may be listed as hydrolyzed protein, autolyzed yeast, glutamic acid and yeast extract. Fermented packaged foods are such as soy sauce also culprits.

Your body uses excess adipose fat tissue as storage for chemicals and toxins such as MSG when its natural elimination methods become overloaded. This protection mechanism keeps these harmful compounds away from our vital organs and tissue where they cause more damage. In other words, the higher our chemical body burden, the more fat we will store. Did you read that right? Yes you did! The more food additives and chemicals in our foods that we eat, the more toxic our bodies become which causes all kinds of diseases including obesity.

If you must eat processed foods with all of the additives and chemicals in them, I suggest taking B-Safe from Nutrisail everyday. 2 capsules at each meal that is full of processed foods.
B-SAFE provides organic nutrients and compounds to aid cellular cleansing and immune system support.

A strong immune system and a lighter chemical body burden can result in more energy, more focus and the healthy release of excess fat.
Read more about today's toxins and chemicals that surround us and how B-Safe can help by visiting
Nutrisail B-Safe
Learn more about B-Safe Here

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Sugary Drinks

Sugary Drinks

Ed's Pissed! 
mountain dew

WHY do they continue to shove sugary sweet drinks in front of us that R addicting? 
The sugar turns to fat people! 
Need energy? 
Try a supplement like B-Lite Extra or B-Lite Classic. 
Don't drink that crap they are pushing on the ingredients - its scary!
Get your B-Lite at

Nutrisail B-Lite
Take B-Lite And Make The Better Choice

#healthyliving #healthyeating #energydrinksarebad #sugarydrinks

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

B-Lite Nutrisail

 B-Lite Nutrisail

Are your ready for some B-Lite from Nutrisail?

Get read for some...


Appetite Suppression

Curbing of your sweet cravings

Mental clarity

Clearer thinking

All day energy

and you just may shed a few pounds.

Don't miss this!  You know you want it all !

Get your B-Lite now...Click here to check it out 

Nutrisail B-Lite curbs cravings, increases energy

Get your B-Lite from Nutrisail HERE

#BusyDay #MultiTasking #MentalClarity #SecretWeapon


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Boost Energy

Boost Energy With B-Lite Xtra

Want to boost your energy level?
With B-Lite Xtra
You will be surprised what you can get done in a day by just taking 1 B-Lite Xtra everday.
I am living proof of that.
I helped my hubby take down and clean up two huge pine trees in one day.
B-Lite Xtra will boost energy. It will boost YOUR energy.
If you drink energy drinks to get thru the day, you will be happy you tried our product. Once capsule a day is all you need. No more energy drinks or nasty tasting canned or bottled stuff...just one capsule a day. You need to try this. Its off the charts great stuff!
One Capsule of B-Lite Xtra will Boost Your Energy
The tree above is just 1 of the trees we took down

Nutrisail B-Lite Xtra will energize you!
Yes thats me. Not even tired. I have my B-Lite Xtra
One Capsule is all you need. No energy drinks needed
2 huge trees cut down & cleaned up in 1 day thanks to B-Lite Xtra

 Some people take one capsule of Xtra a day and they are full of energy all day long. Some people have to take a second one about mid day. This product is wonderful.
You can try B-Lite Xtra for as little as $19.95 that would be a 12 day supply when you take 1 a day. I know you will love the sustained energy you will have for the day.
Feel The Power
This stuff is awesome!!!
  Here is how to get YOUR B-Lite Xtra...Just click on the link below. Order yours. It will come pretty quickly in the mail :) ENJOY!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Nutrisail Testimonials

Nutrisail Testimonials

Read and SEE what our products have done for me and for others. Our Nutrisail products work. Everyone that tries them are getting healthy again. Its wonderful to see my friends loosing some weight but most importantly getting their health back. I hope you will take the time to visit this site and check out the many Nutrisail testimonies on this page. There is before and after pictures as well. These are great products

Here is a few that are not on the above site

I no longer need extenstions in my vest thanks to B-Lite
Patricia, yes that's me, no longer needs extensions on her vest thanks to B-Lite

Over coming many health problems was her goal and she reached it with the Nutrisail products
Over coming many health problems was Linda's goal and she reached it with the Nutrisail products

B-Lite allowed Wills to loose a lot of weight and get his health back
Look at Willis now! All because he took a chance on the Nutrisail products and B-Lite.

Check out more pictures and testimonials at the website below

Monday, June 5, 2017

B-Lite Ingredients

B-Lite Ingredients

Nutrisail Ingredients in our B-Lite Daily Energizer Supplement are
Our B-Lite Supplement is made in the USA 

Is B-Lite Safe ?

B-Lite contains a BALANCED lift of caffeine from NATURAL sources. A full spectrum of B-Vitamins and as much organic herbs as possible.

When it comes to nutritional supplement formulas Nutrisail doesn't believe in shortcuts even if it costs more to produce. That’s why we only use premium, quality tested ingredients from across the globe. When it comes to safety and effectiveness, we think it makes all the difference. 
So far, our customers agree.

Some ask what are the B-Lite supplement side effects ?
Nothing bad, only good side effects like, more energy, enhances your mood, boost your fat loss, helps you think clearer and helps to lessen your appetite. Those are all GOOD side effects.

Don't take my word for it, visit our website and read all of the
Nutrisail B-Lite Daily Energizer Reviews for yourself. 

Want read what the B-Lite ingredients are visit our website and scroll to the bottom. We hide nothing.

Check B-Lite out for yourself today at

B-Lite Nutrisail
Try B-Lite Today

Monday, March 20, 2017

Free Work From Home Business Opportunity: Network Marketing Company That Cares

Network Marketing Company That Cares

FINALLY A Network Marketing Company That Cares!
Leadership With Honest To Goodness INTEGRITY!
Products That Are GOOD For You AND Flat Out Work!
People Actually Making Money!
People Having FUN Again!
FREE To Join! NO Annual Renewal Fees!
FREE State Of The Art Website FREE Back Office Suite!
Professional HIGH Quality LOW Cost Marketing Tools!
NO Autoship Requirement! Purely OPTIONAL!
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EARN BONUSES Without Spending One Cent For 60 Days!
After 60 Days MINIMUM Monthly Purchase ONLY $19.95!
Minimum Monthly Purchase NEVER Goes Up!
Receive 5 Try Me Packs For Your $19.95 Purchase To Share!
UNLIMITED Affiliate Bonuses!
Affiliate ROLL UPS!
TWO TEAM BONUSES! (20% On Lesser Side) NO Cycling! NO Flushing!
Rank Achievement BONUSES!
FREE Transfer To Your Bank Account Or Use Your Company Debit Card!

Come Join Me By becoming a Brand Fan for FREE TODAY!
Work from anywhere

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

B-Lite Xtra More Energy More Mental Clarity

B-Lite Xtra More Energy More Mental Clarity

Do you need more energy, all day energy? One B-Lite Xtra capsule will give you that!

Do you work out? You need to take one B-Lite Xtra capsule before your work out and take your work out to the next level.

Do you drink energy drinks? STOP Take one B-Lite Xtra capsule instead. You will get that same energy and mental clarity. What you will not get is the extra calories, sugar, added colors and nasty tastes.

Are you a college student taking exams, trying to stay awake in class. Take one B-Lite Xtra capsule in the morning and you will have mental clarity all day. Test day? Take a B-Lite Xtra capsule.  

Are you a working mom? Do you have to go to work and then come home and feed the family, tend to the family and the house. You need B-Lite Xtra.

B-Lite Xtra is 59.95 plus shipping for 60 capsules that should last you 2 months or better. What a deal!

To Get Your B-Lite Xtra go to

Start Your Day with B-Lite Extra To Get More Stuff Done
Get Started On B-Lite Xtra Today!

#greatworkout #betterworkout #morepysicalstrength


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

HouseWives & Mothers Need B-Lite

Are you a Housewife? Mother? Both? You need B-Lite !!

You need B-Lite !

A housewife and mother has a lot of responsibility.
Get breakfast ready.
Feed the children and hubby breakfast.
Get the kids ready for school.
Making sure the children get off to school.
See the hubby off to work.
Do the dishes.
Do the laundry.
Straighten up the house.
Change the sheets.
Clean the bathrooms.
Pick up the children from school.
Take the children to their after school functions.

Cook supper
Feed the children and hubby supper.
Clean up the kitchen.
Wash the dishes.
Get the children to take a bath.
Get the children to bed.
Take a bath.
And there is even more responsibility when the wife and hubby work! HOW DO YOU DO IT ?!?!?!?!?

B-Lite will help you have the energy and mental clarity to help you thru your busy day. 
Most only take 1 B-Lite a day but some find a second B-Lite mid day is needed.
They have a try me B-Lite package that is 19.95 so you can try it. But I say, get the 60 count. I know you will like. If you don't they offer a money back guarantee. 

I take B-Lite daily. It lifts my mood, gives me energy and helps me think clearer. Honestly I think you will really like B-Lite. Give it a try. Click on the link below to read whats in B-Lite and read testimonies as well.

Let B-Lite help you make if thru your crazy day.

Monday, January 30, 2017


Are You Looking For TriChromaleane?

Stop looking now. The original Tri-Chromaleane no longer exists.

Because we can no longer have Mahuang in our supplements per a FDA law :(

I have been looking for a replacement for YEARS!
Finally found something.

I have been taking this product since March 2016/. I love it! As much as I did the old Tri-C.

Tri-Chromalean was a great product in its time. Now its time to move on.

If you took Tri-Chromaleane before you will love this product that I found.

It give me energy, mental clarity, increase fat burning, curbs my appetite. It does everything that TriChromaleane used to do.

This product has a totally different formula but does the same thing as Tri-C did.

Check it out for yourself. Read the onsite testimonies. Buy a small container of it to try if you are not sure. I know you will love it.

Here is the website for the product I found.

I feel great! You can too!

Monday, January 23, 2017

B-Lite Gives You Mental Clarity

B-Lite Gives You Mental Clarity

Exams? Office work? You need B-Lite
Mental Clarity & Focus we all need it!

Do you...
Work at job
Do computer work
Take college tests
Balance your check book
Make a grocery list
Have a home business to run
Help your children with their homework

Whatever the task B-Lite can help.
B-Lite can
Help you focus on your work
Give you mental clarity
Help you remember things
Help you think clearer

B-Lite can also
Give you energy for all of the daily
things that need to get done.

Do you sit in front of a computer most 
of the day? Do you snack during that
time? B-Lite will curb those snack

Does B-Lite sound like something you
need for your busy life. If so visit our
website below to read more about it then
place your order for your bottle. We have 
fast shipping so it will get to you quickly.

Visit the website below if B-Lite is for you.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

B-Safe From The Flu

B-Safe From The Flu With Nutrisail's B-Safe

The reason I use that title is because my husband is sick and I am NOT.

Before leaving for vacation we ran out of B-Safe from Nutrisail but I quickly ordered some in to take with us. My husband never started back on them (I did not know this) I started back on them as soon as I received my shipment before leaving for vacation.

So four days ago (after 10 days of not taking B-Safe) I noticed him getting kind of sickly looking. That evening he was full blown SICK.
Fever, headache, body aches, runny nose NOT GOOD! My hubby never gets sick, and if he does he bounces back in 24 hours. NOT THIS TIME!

The second day into him feeling REALLY BAD. I asked him if he was taking the B-Safe...his cause we ran out.....

I immediately started him on 1 B-Safe twice a day.
Here is it is day # four and he is looking much much better and I NEVER GOT SICK :)

BSafe boosts your immune system!

Get started on B-Safe today. Hopefully you won't get sick this winter :)

Learn more about B-Safe and what is in it and what makes it work and why you need it too.
Go to

B-Safe kept me from getting sick
B-Safe Kept Me From Getting Sick

#FluBug #BSafe #Nutrisail #StayWell