Monday, January 30, 2017


Are You Looking For TriChromaleane?

Stop looking now. The original Tri-Chromaleane no longer exists.

Because we can no longer have Mahuang in our supplements per a FDA law :(

I have been looking for a replacement for YEARS!
Finally found something.

I have been taking this product since March 2016/. I love it! As much as I did the old Tri-C.

Tri-Chromalean was a great product in its time. Now its time to move on.

If you took Tri-Chromaleane before you will love this product that I found.

It give me energy, mental clarity, increase fat burning, curbs my appetite. It does everything that TriChromaleane used to do.

This product has a totally different formula but does the same thing as Tri-C did.

Check it out for yourself. Read the onsite testimonies. Buy a small container of it to try if you are not sure. I know you will love it.

Here is the website for the product I found.

I feel great! You can too!

Monday, January 23, 2017

B-Lite Gives You Mental Clarity

B-Lite Gives You Mental Clarity

Exams? Office work? You need B-Lite
Mental Clarity & Focus we all need it!

Do you...
Work at job
Do computer work
Take college tests
Balance your check book
Make a grocery list
Have a home business to run
Help your children with their homework

Whatever the task B-Lite can help.
B-Lite can
Help you focus on your work
Give you mental clarity
Help you remember things
Help you think clearer

B-Lite can also
Give you energy for all of the daily
things that need to get done.

Do you sit in front of a computer most 
of the day? Do you snack during that
time? B-Lite will curb those snack

Does B-Lite sound like something you
need for your busy life. If so visit our
website below to read more about it then
place your order for your bottle. We have 
fast shipping so it will get to you quickly.

Visit the website below if B-Lite is for you.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

B-Safe From The Flu

B-Safe From The Flu With Nutrisail's B-Safe

The reason I use that title is because my husband is sick and I am NOT.

Before leaving for vacation we ran out of B-Safe from Nutrisail but I quickly ordered some in to take with us. My husband never started back on them (I did not know this) I started back on them as soon as I received my shipment before leaving for vacation.

So four days ago (after 10 days of not taking B-Safe) I noticed him getting kind of sickly looking. That evening he was full blown SICK.
Fever, headache, body aches, runny nose NOT GOOD! My hubby never gets sick, and if he does he bounces back in 24 hours. NOT THIS TIME!

The second day into him feeling REALLY BAD. I asked him if he was taking the B-Safe...his cause we ran out.....

I immediately started him on 1 B-Safe twice a day.
Here is it is day # four and he is looking much much better and I NEVER GOT SICK :)

BSafe boosts your immune system!

Get started on B-Safe today. Hopefully you won't get sick this winter :)

Learn more about B-Safe and what is in it and what makes it work and why you need it too.
Go to

B-Safe kept me from getting sick
B-Safe Kept Me From Getting Sick

#FluBug #BSafe #Nutrisail #StayWell