Monday, December 7, 2020

Depression Caused By The China Virus

 Is your depression caused by the China Virus?

Its been a rough 2020 for all of us.

Sometimes I just want to scream! We don't live in the city. We live on a 5 acres plot about 7 miles from the nearest small town. But still I go into home depot, I am glad to wear a mask. If Iam in there to long I am gasping for air. Same with the grocery store and the thrift stores.😞

I have never been thru anything like this before. I have always enjoyed my own person space. I have always stayed my distance from people I am talking with. This social distancing is not new for me.

As for not forming large crowds. I am a introvert. Now worries about that for me.

My uncle got covid 19 but he's OK. He just went fishing in his boat and social distanced from everyone. None of my other friends or family got the corona virus.

Sometimes I get depressed and start sobbing. This got old after a while so I had to do something, find something that would help.

We do yard work, camp out, fish, garden but I still felt depressed. I know its all this China Virus and election stuff causing it.

I had a thought. I have B-Lite Daily Energizer in my kitchen cabinet. I already take lots of vitamins, but with this B-Lite I take it upon wakening with a large glass of water before all of my other vitamins.

I gotta tell you. I feel so much better now.😊 I take it every day. No more depression. I can handle my days now. Sometimes I take a second B-Lite Classic late in the morning if I feel I need more energy and it helps a lot.

The reason I am writing this is if anyone else is getting depressed maybe B-Lite Energizer can help you too.

Here is the website that I get it from.

Here is what the bottle looks like so you get the same one I am taking.

B-Lite Daily Energizer Is Great For Depression
B-Lite Daily Energizer


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Covid 19 SUCKS Build Your Immunity Up With Immune Gold Combo


Being quarantined sucks.
Covid 19 sucks. Corona virus sucks.

Nobody wants this! 
Here is what we have been doing and you can too.
Build up your immune system. 
Its not to late! 
Even if you had that nasty virus, you still need to build your immune system up. 
BSafe & Morzinga Gold from Nutrisail will help with building and rebuilding your immune system.
They can also can help relieve swollen joints, remove toxins & increase your energy.
Get started on our Immune Gold combo today and start building up your immune system.
Click on the link below to learn more.


Monday, October 19, 2020

 Morzinga Energy Drink Tubs & Sticks

Morzinga hydrate drink mix from Nutrisail is the perfect blend of electrolytes and minerals to hydrate faster, more efficiently, and without all the artificial additives.

Every scoop packs our signature full-spectrum B-vitamin complex and 1 gram of organic moringa leaf .

OR Take Morzinga hydrate drink and add some natural caffeine and eria jerensis and you have Morzinga  ENERGY DRINK.
For those that like a little more ZING, morzinga energy drink is your perfect way to start the day.
To get your Morzinga Energy Drink visit our website at

Monday, August 17, 2020

B-Lite Classic Daily Energizer Overview

 B-Lite Classic Daily Energizer Overview

BLite Daily Energizer

B-LITE Classic Daily Energizer is loaded with premium quality full-spectrum B vitamin complex, that’s what sets B-LITE apart from other diet supplements. 

Unlike many other supplements you find on the market,  BLITE does not contain synthetic fillers, additives, binders, sweeteners, flavors, colorants, preservatives, Stearates, Laurates, or Sulfates.

Enhances Your Mood

The majority of our satisfied customers take B-LITE because of the way it makes them feel. Highly absorbable ingredients work faster and more efficiently on your brain and body to elevate your mood.

Nourishes Your Brain

In addition to the B-Complex, B-LITE Classic is packed with organic botanicals, potassium iodide and other natural ingredients give your brain and body what you’re not getting from your processed food diet.

Highly absorbable ingredients in BLITE Classic work faster and more efficiently in your brain and body to elevate your mood.

Control Your Hunger

Essential B-Vitamins and other potent organic ingredients in B-LITE Daily Energizer provides your brain and body with the nutrition often missing from our diets that restores balance to your natural hunger mechanisms.

Loaded with B-Vitamins

What sets BLITE Classic Daily Energizer apart from other energy and weight loss supplements is our premium quality full-spectrum B vitamin complex. More bio availability means you feel it when you need it!

B-Lite Classic Daily Energizer VIDEO


B-Lite Classic Daily Energizer

Get your B-Lite Classic Daily Energizer today

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Energy From A Capsule Or A Drink The Choice Is Yours

You Have A Choice
Energy From A Capsule Or A Drink The Choice Is Yours

B-Lite Classic Daily Energizer Capsules
MorZINGa Energy Drink

Nutrisail's Healthy Energy Alternatives
Both are healthy alternatives to unhealthy store bought energy drinks.
I personally keep both on hand as you can see.

Today I enjoyed the MorZINGa Energy Drink in a 32 ounce glass. I was out in my yard at 9:30 AM cutting the lawn and weed eating. Then swept all the grass of the side walks. It looks beautiful now. It started raining at noon so I had to come in. Luckily I was finished. The MorZINGA Energy Drink gave me the energy to get all that done. I am 65 mind you! I still feel like washing the car because it is full of yard dust LOL. OH I forgot to mention, I love the appetite suppression that both products have. I was not even hungry at noon. YAY!

Here is my finished lawn. This is a VERY SMALL piece of it.

2.5 acres

So If you need some healthy energy with
no crash at the end of the day.
Give one or both of these a try.

You can find them both at.

Patricia Koch

Monday, June 29, 2020

Healthy Energy Drink With Morzinga

 Healthy Energy Drink With Morzinga


Our Morzinga Energy & Hydration Drink is on sale NOW. Now is the great time to give this product a try. I love both the healthy energy drinks with Morzinga and the hydration drink mix as well. I personally use them both. If you would like to try them with out putting any money out. I do have free samples. If you would like me to send you 2 samples just send me a email to 
To learn more about our Moringa Energy drink / hydration drink visit the link below

Morzinga with MORINGA LEAF Energy Drink. Try it - You'll Love It
Mozinga Energy & Hydration Drink Mix ON SALE NOW

Mix in a 16 or 32 ounce bottle of cold water and ENJOY the benefits of Moringa
MorZINGa Drink Mixes Tastes GREAT

Looking for a healthy alernative to store bought energy drinks? Here you go! Give MorZINGa a try today.
Mix MorZINGa in 16 or 32 ounces of water and enjoy

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Best Energy Drink Ever Tasted


Can't believe it's a energy drink. 😎
A healthy one at that .👍
It says it gives you 3xs the hydration. 😱
So I mixed the Morzinga Energy Drink mix in 32 oz of water, so that's like drinking 96 oz😱
Plus it says it has 1000 mg of Moringa Oleifera leaf in it, which is great for reducing inflammation. 👍
And it has 1000 mg of potassium 👍
Oh! and 110 mg of natural caffeine 👍
I really like this stuff. Want some ❓
👉 Then visit this website to get yours
Morzinga Energy Drink With MORINGA

Monday, March 23, 2020

BSafe From The CoronaVirus

 BSafe From The CoronaVirus
Boost Your Immune System Now

⚠️If you add nothing else to your diet this week please add BSafe.
It's a vitamin that we take twice a day to keep our immune system built up.
I am 64 and Ed is 71.
We are trying to stay proactive so hopefully we do not get this covid-19 virus. 👍
Here is the website for the supplement B-Safe that we take twice a day. 

Please💙 add it to your daily intake to boost your immune system.👍

Boost your immune system now with B-Safe from Nutrisail
BSAFE Ingredients,
no fillers only what you need

get started on it now. The Coronavirus is out there. Be ProActive
BSAFE from Nutrisail

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Morzinga Energy Drink

MorZinga Energy Drink
With Moringa Oleifera
Gotta Have It !!

Throw away that nasty Red Bull and Monster drinks.
Drink our ALL NATURAL SUPER FOOD energy drink! Ready to boost your energy with this energizing electrolyte drink❓
Morzinga Energy will not only put a ZING in your step, but it will also lift your mood, control your appetite, and is packed with our full-spectrum B-Vitamin complex including a dose of Organic Moringa Oleifera Leaf Powder.

Energy, pain relief, mental clarity, curbs your appetite & so much more
Morzinga Energy - Get Yours Today
Healthy Ingredients list includes 1 GRAM of Pure Moringa
Moringa Energy Drink Ingredients

Friday, February 21, 2020

Get Mental Focus With B-Lite Classic

Having trouble focusing on your work Phasing out before your done Running out of energy b4 you are done with your task B-Lite will help you with all that👍
1 or 2 in the morning & you are good to go. Try it today! visit our site
B-Lite Daily Energizer
  Visit our website to get your B-Lite Classic Daily Energizer today.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Jump Start Your Weight Loss With Our B Start Combo

Jump Start Your Weight Loss With Our B Start Combo

Are you ready to jump start your weight loss?

Get started on Nutrisail B Start Combo

On Sale Now - B Start Combo from Nutrisail
B Start Combo From Nutrisail
Want to get a jump start on your weight loss? Need some help with your weight loss? Add our B Start combo to your daily routine. 1 B Safe before your 3 meals everyday. 1 B-Lite Classic when you wake up then another before lunch. In just 30 days you will be able to tell a difference in your body. Be sure to drink lots of water with each capsule and more thru out the day. Get your B Start combo today. Free shipping and fast delivery. To get your Bstart combo

Use Nutrisail's B Start combo and send us your success pictures
