Wednesday, February 1, 2017

HouseWives & Mothers Need B-Lite

Are you a Housewife? Mother? Both? You need B-Lite !!

You need B-Lite !

A housewife and mother has a lot of responsibility.
Get breakfast ready.
Feed the children and hubby breakfast.
Get the kids ready for school.
Making sure the children get off to school.
See the hubby off to work.
Do the dishes.
Do the laundry.
Straighten up the house.
Change the sheets.
Clean the bathrooms.
Pick up the children from school.
Take the children to their after school functions.

Cook supper
Feed the children and hubby supper.
Clean up the kitchen.
Wash the dishes.
Get the children to take a bath.
Get the children to bed.
Take a bath.
And there is even more responsibility when the wife and hubby work! HOW DO YOU DO IT ?!?!?!?!?

B-Lite will help you have the energy and mental clarity to help you thru your busy day. 
Most only take 1 B-Lite a day but some find a second B-Lite mid day is needed.
They have a try me B-Lite package that is 19.95 so you can try it. But I say, get the 60 count. I know you will like. If you don't they offer a money back guarantee. 

I take B-Lite daily. It lifts my mood, gives me energy and helps me think clearer. Honestly I think you will really like B-Lite. Give it a try. Click on the link below to read whats in B-Lite and read testimonies as well.

Let B-Lite help you make if thru your crazy day.

Monday, January 30, 2017


Are You Looking For TriChromaleane?

Stop looking now. The original Tri-Chromaleane no longer exists.

Because we can no longer have Mahuang in our supplements per a FDA law :(

I have been looking for a replacement for YEARS!
Finally found something.

I have been taking this product since March 2016/. I love it! As much as I did the old Tri-C.

Tri-Chromalean was a great product in its time. Now its time to move on.

If you took Tri-Chromaleane before you will love this product that I found.

It give me energy, mental clarity, increase fat burning, curbs my appetite. It does everything that TriChromaleane used to do.

This product has a totally different formula but does the same thing as Tri-C did.

Check it out for yourself. Read the onsite testimonies. Buy a small container of it to try if you are not sure. I know you will love it.

Here is the website for the product I found.

I feel great! You can too!

Monday, January 23, 2017

B-Lite Gives You Mental Clarity

B-Lite Gives You Mental Clarity

Exams? Office work? You need B-Lite
Mental Clarity & Focus we all need it!

Do you...
Work at job
Do computer work
Take college tests
Balance your check book
Make a grocery list
Have a home business to run
Help your children with their homework

Whatever the task B-Lite can help.
B-Lite can
Help you focus on your work
Give you mental clarity
Help you remember things
Help you think clearer

B-Lite can also
Give you energy for all of the daily
things that need to get done.

Do you sit in front of a computer most 
of the day? Do you snack during that
time? B-Lite will curb those snack

Does B-Lite sound like something you
need for your busy life. If so visit our
website below to read more about it then
place your order for your bottle. We have 
fast shipping so it will get to you quickly.

Visit the website below if B-Lite is for you.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

B-Safe From The Flu

B-Safe From The Flu With Nutrisail's B-Safe

The reason I use that title is because my husband is sick and I am NOT.

Before leaving for vacation we ran out of B-Safe from Nutrisail but I quickly ordered some in to take with us. My husband never started back on them (I did not know this) I started back on them as soon as I received my shipment before leaving for vacation.

So four days ago (after 10 days of not taking B-Safe) I noticed him getting kind of sickly looking. That evening he was full blown SICK.
Fever, headache, body aches, runny nose NOT GOOD! My hubby never gets sick, and if he does he bounces back in 24 hours. NOT THIS TIME!

The second day into him feeling REALLY BAD. I asked him if he was taking the B-Safe...his cause we ran out.....

I immediately started him on 1 B-Safe twice a day.
Here is it is day # four and he is looking much much better and I NEVER GOT SICK :)

BSafe boosts your immune system!

Get started on B-Safe today. Hopefully you won't get sick this winter :)

Learn more about B-Safe and what is in it and what makes it work and why you need it too.
Go to

B-Safe kept me from getting sick
B-Safe Kept Me From Getting Sick

#FluBug #BSafe #Nutrisail #StayWell

Thursday, December 29, 2016

B-Lite Gives You Energy & Curbs Ur Appetite & Increases Mental Clarity

B-Lite Gives You Energy & Curbs Your Cravings

 Some of you remember products called
Thermo-Lift Classic

All of the above products gave you 
Curbed your cravings for sweets
Helped you eat less
Gave you  mental clarity
Helped you loose weight

They were all great products. ONE PROBLEM
They are all no longer being made because they had Mahuang in them. 
That is a form of Ephedra. It was banned in the United States years ago.
Since then I have been searching for a product to replace those products. I tried so many products over the years. Some made me jittery, some made my heart race, some made me sick to my stomach, some kept me from sleeping at night.

Finally after 8 plus years I have found something to replace those discontinued products and this product does not make my heart race, does not give me the jitters, does not make my stomach sick and it does not keep me up at night.

What it does do is give me a feel good energy and a mental clarity to get my work done. Whether it is office work or house work or yard work. I am energized for hours! When I take this product as soon as I wake up with a large glass of water. I eat better food choices and less of them for breakfast. If my days are long I take another about 1/2 before noon time and it carries me for the rest of the day.

Because it curbs my sweet tooth and my appetite some, I have lost inches and pounds. I am so happy to have found this product.

Are you looking for a replacement product for those past products that you liked for energy, appetite suppression and weight loss? If so you need to try B-Lite. Go to the website. Read more about it. Make your own choice. You can try B-Lite for as little as 19.95 just to see if you feel the energy and appetite suppression. That is what I did in the beginning and I have been taking it ever since.

Feel energized again, enjoy a clear mind, weigh loss with B-Lite

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

B-Lite Supplement And Holiday Food Cravings

B-Lite Supplement Allows You To Indulge In Holiday Food.

If you must indulge then be sure to take you B-Lite from Nutrisail at the start of your day.
You will be surprised how your Unhealthy Cravings get less and less over time.
Get your B Lite at

Nutrisail B-Lite Stole By The Elf
Slick Elf !

Get Your Bottle of B-Lite For Free Now
Free Bottle Of B-Lite

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

B-Pro From Nutrisail

B-Pro From Nutrisail

Recent investigations into the probiotics industry by consumer health advocates and natural health blogs have turned up alarming information about how probiotics are produced and labeled. They've found nearly all probiotics available in the U.S. market today are secretly formulated with genetically modified ingredients that are intentionally not listed on the label. The most common such ingredient is maltodextrin, a corn-derived flow agent.
What sets B PRO apart from nearly all other probiotic/enzyme supplements isn't just what it contains, but what it does NOT contain. B-PRO does NOT contain soy, corn, wheat or refined sugars. This product contains none of the GMO corn-derived ingredient, maltodextrin or any other fillers or flow agents. Probiotics are crucial in counteracting the negative effects of GMOs in our modern, processed food supply. We believe you shouldn't add more of the 'problem' into the solution.
If you're looking for a trusted source of probiotics and enzymes for digestive and immune support, look no further. B|PRO contains the highest quality of exactly what your gut needs—and nothing else.
Just like individual vitamins and minerals have separate roles to play in the body, different probiotic strains have different health functions, too.† For example, some strains support intestinal health, others support immune function, and still others help balance microflora.
Single probiotic strains are unlikely to meet all of your health needs. That is why B|PRO has ten probiotic strains to complement the natural diversity of friendly bacteria in your digestive system for optimal balance. In addition to promoting digestive & intestinal health, this probiotic blend also supports healthy immune function.
You are not made up of the nutrients you consume, but the nutrients you absorb. Digestion is perhaps the most important foundational process in the body. There are two key components to good digestion: Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes.
Digestive enzymes help with the breakdown of fats, starch, fiber, carbs, protein, lactose, and cellulose that aid the gastrointestinal tract with turning food into readily absorbable nutrients [source]. B|PRO's 11-Strain Enzyme Blend will help break down even the most stubborn material.
In addition to the probiotic and digestive enzyme blends, B|PRO contains a healthy blast of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (Vitamin B6), Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) and an amino-acid chelated Magnesium complex. Vitamin B6 is very important in the breakdown of protein we eat. Vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in the part of our nervous system that controls our entire digestive process. Magnesium helps activate digestive enzymes and supports peristalsis in our gastrointestinal tract.

To learn more about B-Pro from Nutrisail at

B Pro all you need in one bottle.
B-Pro From Nutrisail with Pro-Biotics and Digestive Enzymes