Friday, March 25, 2016


B-Lite is my feel good energy in a bottle!

B-lite from Nutrisail – I tried it & I love it!
I personally took ONE CAPSULE early in the morning before breakfast.
Once I was done with my breakfast, I had so much energy I had to do something!
I worked out at our home Gym for 45 minutes then drank a ton of water and went out and helped my husband cut and clear some trees for 2 hours.
Then we came in and I made dinner and I was still energized so I got on the elliptical for another 15 minutes. I slept like a baby that night!!!

I love what B-Lite does for me. It has curbed my appetite too.
I have not lost the 5 pounds I want to loose yet because I have only been on it a week.

But I have talked with many who have lost weight with BLite.

I am so happy with this product that I became a Nutrisail Distributor for B-Lite.
They also have another product called B-Safe but I have not tried that yet. I like to take one new product at a time so I can see what it does for me. And I love what BLite does for me :)

You can read more about B-lite at there is a link at the top of the page for BLite. Click that to learn more about it. You can read about other peoples experience with this wonderful product there as well.

B-Lite Capsules Daily Energizer Works For Me

B-Lite is my Daily Energizer

I have my B-Lite , time to get yours at