Showing posts with label energy drinks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energy drinks. Show all posts

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Helps With College Exams

B-Lite Helps With College Exams !

Do you need help with your college exams?
Are you finding it hard to concentrate ?
Falling asleep during class?
B-Lite ROCKS !!
Need better attention span?
More mental clarity?
You running on empty - no energy?
Have you tried Ritalin?

Ritalin has bad side effects.
Try B-Lite Daily Energizer.
Take 1 about a half hour before breakfast.
Take 1 more before class and or your exams.

B-Lite Daily Energizer will give you. 
Mental Clarity
Feel more alert & awake with B-Lite

Increase your attention span
Gives you more energy
Helps you to not fall asleep in class.
B-Lite has no bad side effects just all good stuff.

So don't take Ritalin with all the side effects.
Don't drink energy drinks with all those nasty ingredients in them.
Try B-Lite Daily Energizer !

Friday, September 28, 2018

Adrenal Fatigue B-Free Can Help

Do you have adrenal fatigue Morzinga B can Help

You have 2 adrenal glands, one sitting atop both of your kidneys.
They are no larger than walnuts and each lighter then a grape,
yet are responsible for one of the most important functions in the human body - managing stressWhen the adrenal glands are overtaxed,
a condition known as adrenal fatigue may set in,
which can set off a ton of disease processes into motion.
One obvious sign of adrenal fatigue is a feeling of constant exhaustion.
Always being wore out. Other symptoms can include irritability, lack of focus, unhealthy cravings & sometime even depression.

Most people who suffer from adrenal fatigue look for relief by continuing to over use of  sugar - laden caffeine, energy drink and stimulants - which may have caused the condition in the first place. Not only is this ineffective but often makes your symptoms worse.

How do you remedy adrenal gland fatigue??
You need to rest, take a break from all stimulants and get nourishment into your body.

You can get that Nourishment with MorzingaB from Nutrisail. It has a great formula that delivers revitalizing nourishment
to support vital biological functions and aid in the repair and
prevention of your adrenal fatigue.

If you are a regular user of caffeine or energy and weight loss supplements,
you should rest your adrenal glands by taking a day or two off of them.

Use MorzingaB on those day off days to nourish your body.
Make sure you body has the nutritional tools it needs to repair, 
restore and revitalize with Morzinga B.

Order your MorzingaB today and give your body what it needs to restore
and nourish your adrenal glands. 

Adrenal fatigue is real. Get help with BFree from Nutrisail
B-Free to recharge your adrenal glands

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Energy Drinks

Energy Drinks ?

ARG! Have you ever READ the ingredients in those things!

The caffeine in energy drinks is off the charts!

And then there is  more energy producing stuff in them. I drank one and I could not sleep all night!

My heart was beating so fast and I was scared I was going to have to go the hospital.

Now I read on the internet where people are drinking them and passing away from them!

One monster energy drink contains 240mg of caffeine. WOW!
That is like drinking 7 Cokes or 7 cups of coffee.
Some health experts say the caffeine content in energy drinks can be as high as 550 mg. OMG!!!

Your body is not built to take that much caffeine.

There is a better way to get energy. A much healthier way. It's what I do.

I take 1 capsule of B-Lite mid morning and if I need another, I will take another mid afternoon.
The energy is a feel good energy. I know you will like it. It beats drinking those nasty tasting energy drinks for sure!

What is B-Lite you might be asking. Click on the link below.

get healthy energy with b-lite from nutrisail
Get Healthy Energy From B-Lite