Showing posts with label multi vitamin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label multi vitamin. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

B-Max Helped My Teeth And Gums Get Healthy Again


B-Max Helped My Teeth And Gums Get Healthy Again

I have periodontal disease due to smoking 13 years ago.
I have all kinds of pockets in my gums separating from my teeth .
I had one pocket that was an dentist wanted to send me to an oral surgeon.
I said absolutely not. I will live with it.

Then about 6 months back I started taking B-Max from Nutrisail.
BMax is a multivitamin.
I always have taken a multivitamin all my life.
I have changed vitamins many times in my life.
But 6 months ago was a game changer for me when I started taking the B-Max.

I had been on the new multivitamin for 2 months when it was time for 3 months check up at the dentist. Yes when you have periodontal disease you must go to the dentist ever 2 to 3 months and that is after they have planed your teeth THAT REALLY HURTS.
So I went to the dentist for my check up and to my surprise. my number 4 pockets were now 3s.
My number 8 pocket was a 7 ! I was ecstatic. My dentist asked what I was doing different. I said the only thing I had changed was my multivitamin. Well he chalked that off as...I don't think that would help your teeth. But he said I was doing so well I could go to 4 month check ups YAY

And went in for my 4th month check up. I have now been on the B-Max multi vitamin for at least 6 months. I got an even better dentist report. No cavities, No stains, No plaque and my pocket that was originally and 8 is now a SIX  My next appointment is in 4 months.

My thanks to Nutrisail for making such a wonderful product that helped me get even more healthy.

Give BMax a 6 month try see what it can do for your body. Learn the B-Max that I am taking by visiting
B-Max from Nutrisail helped me get a good report from my dentist
Try B-Max for 6 months, see what it can do for you

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

BMax Multi Vitamin From Nutrisail

BMax Multi Vitamin From Nutrisail

Its finally available! Nutrisail B-Max Multi Vitamin. I am so happy!

All the vitamins out there before BMax from Nutrisail has magnesium stearate or silica or both .
Who wants that in your body, not me!

Store bought vitamins have been proven to have a trace of what they list on the ingredients label. They try to cut corners for a bigger profit margin and to satisfy their stock holders.

Store bought vitamins have fillers in them and traces of the vitamins listed on the label. So you pay for something you are not getting!

BMax multi-vitamin has no fillers. No ingredients that does not serve a purpose for the user.

Nutrisail finds organic ingredients for their supplements. That is why you can feel Nutrisail vitamins working in your body. You can feel the changes going on.

B-Max is only available at this time to members  AKA brand fans for Nutrisail. I am glad I am a brand fan because I love the B-Max. I take 1 before each of meals which means I take two a day. That's all I need to stay healthy. The flu is crazy right now and I am healthy! No flu! Thanks to my Nutrisail supplements.

I also take this product, it gives me mental clarity to get my 2017 end of year books done. DONE!!! B-Lite gives me energy too. Glad I was taking my B-Lite during the holidays - B-Lite helped me curb my sweet tooth so I was able to taste the sweet stuff and then not have anymore. Worked great!

So I have given you a little in site to our B-Max below I will put the list of ingredients so you can see for yourself what a wonderful product BMax is. I will also put a link below where you sign up as a Nutrisail brand fan for free then you can see ALL  of the products that Nutrisail has to offer. Nutrisail has several other supplements I have not mentioned here. Become a brand fan and check them out for yourself.

Here is the link to check out all of our products

Here is the list of ingredients in fillers, no magnesium stearate or silica
B-Max from Nutrisail contains no fillers or magnisium stearate. Just lots of great ingredients to make your body healthy
BMax from Nutrisail Ingredients list
