Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Vitamin D Helps Build Immunity

Vitamin D Helps Build Your Immunity.

Vitamin D is critical for proper bone health. It promotes calcium absorption and helps prevent osteoporosis.

Additional roles of vitamin D include reduction of inflammation and possibly warding off depression.

Some studies find that vitamin D can help with weight loss, and reduction in risk for certain diseases, but there isn’t a large body of evidence yet.

Vitamin D and immunity

The immune system requires vitamin D to fight off invading bacteria and viruses.

In a randomized trial conducted on over 300 Japanese school children over a 4-month winter flu season, those that received a vitamin D supplement had a 40 percent lower rate in certain types of flu, compared to a control group. However, rates for other types of flu were similar.

Other studies have shown that weekly vitamin D supplements lower the risk of acute respiratory infections.👍

Vitamin D and Covid-19 👈

Research is ongoing, but definitive conclusions have yet to be published, as this is a new disease. That said, it makes sense to check your vitamin D levels and increase them if they are low.

Based on existing information, some governments are taking action. In the UK, for example, clinically vulnerable people are now receiving a FREE 4-month supply of daily vitamin D supplements.

How much Vitamin D do I need?

Studies conducted in the past 2 decades claim that the majority of Americans don’t get enough vitamin D, and that the daily intake should increase to 25 mcg per day.
(since Covid my husband and I have increased our vitamin D3 to 2000IU a day)

If you are between the ages of 1 and 70, you need 15 micro-grams (mcg) per day (600 International Units). Older individuals need 20 mcg per day. Your body can produce all the vitamin D it needs simply by you being in the sun with exposed skin (arms and face, for example).
(my husband and I get at least 20 minutes a day in the sun)

However, most of us simply can’t get enough exposure in winter months. This is especially true in northern areas and even more so in a time where most of us are social distancing.

The good news is that vitamin D can accumulate in the body over time. So you do not necessarily need to “recharge” every single day.

People at risk for lower levels of vitamin D

  • post-menopausal women (that's me)

  • people who had gastric bypass procedures,

  • individuals who have celiac and other nutrient absorption related conditions

  • dark skinned people whose body is more effective at blocking sunshine

If you are in a risk group, consult with a health professional and consider get tested for vitamin D levels.

Foods with naturally occurring vitamin D

Unfortunately😕, there are very few foods with naturally occurring vitamin D. They include:

  • cod liver oil (1 tablespoon has 34 mcg, 220% of the daily value)

  • swordfish (3 oz serving, 14 mcg, 94% DV)

  • salmon (3 oz, 11 mcg, 75% DV)

  • tuna (canned or fresh) (3 oz, 4 mcg, 25% DV)

  • sardines (2 pieces, 1 mcg, 7% DV)

  • beef liver (3 oz, 1 mcg, 7% DV)

  • eggs, mostly the yolk (1 mcg, 7% DV)

Foods that are fortified with vitamin D

In the US, public health officials have mandated dairy milk be fortified with vitamin D. This historical decision virtually eliminated rickets, a disease that many children suffered from.

  • Dairy milk – 25% DV

  • Dairy-free milk – varies, check the label

  • Orange juice – varies, but juice is high in sugar so may not be worth it.

  • Breakfast cereal – some manufacturers add vitamin D, but again, if the cereal is high in sugar, seek nutrients elsewhere.

Vitamin D supplements

If you can’t get sufficient amounts of vitamin D from sunshine or food, the supplement industry will be more than happy to sell you some. It is available as D2 or D3. (hubby and I supplement with BMax)

Vitamin D is actually a group of compounds. The most common are vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol).

Vitamin D3 is from animal sources, while vitamin D2 is derived from yeast and fungi and as such can be consumed by vegans and vegetarians.

Bottom Line

Vitamin D is a critical component of bone health. Vitamin D may be beneficial to the immune system, but not enough data exists regarding efficacy in prevention of respiratory diseases such as novel coronvirus.

If you’ve never checked your blood vitamin D levels, do it. In any case, there are multiple food sources as well as supplements to choose from.

BMAX multivitamin has vitamin D in it. Suggested dosage is 1 to 3 per day. The hubby and I take 2 BMAX just before breakfast. I have my D levels checked and since taking the BMAX my D levels are where they should be.👍
Get started on BMAX today. Get it at.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Minus-10 Organic Skin Moisturizer

 Minus-10 Organic Skin Moisturizer

Minus-10 hydrates, moisturizes & heal your skin. Minus 10 for healthier, vibrant skin. Trial size availabe.
Minus-10 Organic Moisturizer

What we put on our body is equally important to what we put inside our body.Meet Minus-10.  This organic moisturizer is hand-made & cold-blended in small batches using only the finest organic ingredients & essential oils.Minus-10 Organic Moisturizer is alcohol-free, paraben free, cruelty-free and 100% vegan.For healthier, vibrant skin:  Gently massage a small amount onto target area. Repeat as often as necessary and remember...a little goes a long way!Available in 2oz UV proof glass jars and half-ounce trial size pocket-tins.

Minus - 10 Ingredients list is astounding! Check it out for yourself.
Minus-10 Ingredients list WOW!   

                 Here is what some of the ingredients do.


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

B-Lite Daily Energizer For Breakfast

Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day

Good morning, time for breakfast.
Never miss your breakfast or your vitamins.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
If you miss your breakfast it tells your body to store fat.
This is not good for people trying to lose weight.
Now go eat your breakfast.
Don't forget to take your B-Lite Daily Energizer
20 minutes before breakfast to start your day off right.

To get all the vitamins seen in this picture AND
B-Lite Daily Energizer Go To

Eggs And Vitamins For Breakfast To Start Your Day Off Right
Vitamins & Eggs & Peanut Butter For Breakfast YUMMY!

B-Lite will lite up your day. Energize you, give you mental clarity, appetite suppression and much more
B-Lite Classic Daily Energizer

Monday, May 10, 2021


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Monday, February 22, 2021

Covid 19 And Outside Activities Like GOLF

Covid 19 And Outside Activities Like GOLF

Its important to get out side in the sun to get your vitamin D3  naturally.

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Monday, February 15, 2021

Gut Health & Covid 19

 GUT HEALTH plays a roll in how severe Covid-19 symptoms would be to a persons system.

Those with good GUT HEALTH,  with good bacteria in your intestines & stomach would cut the time that Covid 19 would stick around & how strong your symptoms would be. Also you might have less reoccurring systems once the virus was out of your system.

Now more then ever is the time for us to take good care of our bodies. Pro & Pre biotics (𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴) are not cheap & you are not sure if they work or what inactive ingredients are in them. 

I want to share with you my recommendation for GUT HEALTH. It's called GUT IQ  Candida Control & Gut IQ Flora Support. Yes its expensive but its the best I have found on the market today. 

I suggest you get on it right away. Follow the recommended dosing on the bottle. 

As I said this is the best I have found so far.
Check the Gut IQ products out by clicking on the link below


Bad Gut Health Causes Diseases

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Nutrisail Gut IQ