Sometimes I just want to scream! We don't live in the city. We live on a 5 acres plot about 7 miles from the nearest small town. But still I go into home depot, I am glad to wear a mask. If Iam in there to long I am gasping for air. Same with the grocery store and the thrift stores.😞
I have never been thru anything like this before. I have always enjoyed my own person space. I have always stayed my distance from people I am talking with. This social distancing is not new for me.
As for not forming large crowds. I am a introvert. Now worries about that for me.
My uncle got covid 19 but he's OK. He just went fishing in his boat and social distanced from everyone. None of my other friends or family got the corona virus.
Sometimes I get depressed and start sobbing. This got old after a while so I had to do something, find something that would help.
We do yard work, camp out, fish, garden but I still felt depressed. I know its all this China Virus and election stuff causing it.
I had a thought. I have B-Lite Daily Energizer in my kitchen cabinet. I already take lots of vitamins, but with this B-Lite I take it upon wakening with a large glass of water before all of my other vitamins.
I gotta tell you. I feel so much better now.😊 I take it every day. No more depression. I can handle my days now. Sometimes I take a second B-Lite Classic late in the morning if I feel I need more energy and it helps a lot.
The reason I am writing this is if anyone else is getting depressed maybe B-Lite Energizer can help you too.