Showing posts with label immune booster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immune booster. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Boost Immunity

 Boost Your Immunity

It's Flu Season Time To Boost Your Immune System

Boost Your Immune System Now

⚠️If you add nothing else to your diet this week please add BSafe.
It's a vitamin that we take twice a day to keep our immune system built up.
I am 67 and Ed is 73.
We are trying to stay proactive so hopefully we do not get this Covid -19 virus. 👍
Here is the website for the supplement B-Safe that we take twice a day. 

Please💙 add it to your daily intake to boost your immune system.👍

BSafe can help keep you stay healthy


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Covid 19 SUCKS Build Your Immunity Up With Immune Gold Combo


Being quarantined sucks.
Covid 19 sucks. Corona virus sucks.

Nobody wants this! 
Here is what we have been doing and you can too.
Build up your immune system. 
Its not to late! 
Even if you had that nasty virus, you still need to build your immune system up. 
BSafe & Morzinga Gold from Nutrisail will help with building and rebuilding your immune system.
They can also can help relieve swollen joints, remove toxins & increase your energy.
Get started on our Immune Gold combo today and start building up your immune system.
Click on the link below to learn more.


Monday, March 23, 2020

BSafe From The CoronaVirus

 BSafe From The CoronaVirus
Boost Your Immune System Now

⚠️If you add nothing else to your diet this week please add BSafe.
It's a vitamin that we take twice a day to keep our immune system built up.
I am 64 and Ed is 71.
We are trying to stay proactive so hopefully we do not get this covid-19 virus. 👍
Here is the website for the supplement B-Safe that we take twice a day. 

Please💙 add it to your daily intake to boost your immune system.👍

Boost your immune system now with B-Safe from Nutrisail
BSAFE Ingredients,
no fillers only what you need

get started on it now. The Coronavirus is out there. Be ProActive
BSAFE from Nutrisail

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Are You Tired Of Being Sick And Tired

Are You Tired Of Being Sick And Tired

Well Are You Are you sick & tired of being sick & tired
If you answer is YES then this Nutrisail supplement / vitamin combo is for you ‼️

1. BSafe is an immune booster which you need to feel better. B-Safe cleans toxins from your body which are making you sick right now. Nutrisail’s BSafe also reduces inflammation which helps relieve pain. B Safe from Nutrisail will also help you get rid of toxins which are holding fat on your body such as you stomach / middle. It gets rid of stomach bloat!

2. B-Lite is a daily energizer. But it does much more then that.
B Lite Classic puts you in a great mood, helps with brain fog. Helps you have more mental focus. Makes you feel ALIVE and HEALTHY. Nutrisail’s B Lite will also help control your sweet cravings too.
This combo is a win win combo. 👍 Boost your immune system now before winter gets here and you will get less colds and flu, if you get them all while taking this “B Start” combo. Get yours ASAP and get started getting healthy again & building up your immune system.😷

👉Here is the link where you can get the Nutrisail B Start combo with BSafe and B-Lite.
Get Healthy Again. Boost Your Immune System & Get Your Energy Back With This Combo
Click Here To Feel Better

Friday, September 7, 2018


The average American carries a chemical burden of over 700 synthetic chemicals in there blood and body tissue

Your probably thinking - how is that possible.
Think about this....

More then 1000 NEW synthetic chemicals are being invented and introduced into the market place every year! SAY WHAT!!! 😱

Bisphenal A (BPA) is found in 9 out of 10 Americans.
(stop drinking from plastic & storing your food in plastic)

Over 200 toxic chemicals are found in the umbilical cord blood from the average U.S. newborn.

That NEW CAR SMELL  or new couch smell or the smell when you unroll that new foam bed from that plastic bag. 👃That smell is really the evaporation of volatile chemicals such as formaldehyde. 😱

Did you know that NON STICK cookware gives off a toxic gas that can cause lung damage and cancer. WELL I GUESS MY FAVORITE PAN IS GOING IN THE TRASH! 😕

The above referenced facts are from "The Hundred Year Lie" by Randall Fitgerald.

  • Air pollution
  • Plastic breakdown
  • Synthetic chemicals
  • Pesticides & fertilizer
  • Household cleaners
  • Cosmetics and toiletries
  • Water treatment and fluoridation
  • Genetically modified organisms GMO
  • Prescription & OTC drugs
  • Fast food & food additives & preservatives 
There is a way to get around SOME of these toxic not wearing make up, using natural soaps to wash your body and hair with. Use vinegar to clean the house with - where you can. I don't eat fast foods. It as much UN-processed foods will help you eat less food additives and preservatives. 
I use fertilizer sparingly. I stopped the bug man from coming every month. Now I spread coffee grounds around the outside of the house to keep the bugs out and it works. When ever I get a new car or flooring or bedding I let it air out before using it.

There are many ways you can TRY to avoid the toxins in this world But you can not avoid them all.
That is why you need BSAFE from Nutrisail. Taken 3 times a day before meals.

👉 Nutrisail's BSafe 👈
  • Cleanses toxins & impurities from your body
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Increases your energy and focus
  • Allows for healthy, sustainable fat loss
BSafe has a army of nutrients brought together to provide the body with antioxidants, phyto nutrients, bioflavanoids, minerals and even a healthy dose of vitamins b-12.

Get your BSafe from Nutrisail today at

BSafe Nutrisail boosts immune system
Protect yourself from the toxins in this world with B-Safe
Get healthy from the inside out with BSafe from Nutrisail
Get healthy from the inside out with BSafe from Nutrisail

#cleansetoxins #boostimmunesystem #sustainablefatloss #increaseenergy #increasefocus #mentalclarity #nutrisail #nutrisailbsafe #jointrish #bsafenutrisail #immunebooster #fightstomachbloat

Thursday, January 19, 2017

B-Safe From The Flu

B-Safe From The Flu With Nutrisail's B-Safe

The reason I use that title is because my husband is sick and I am NOT.

Before leaving for vacation we ran out of B-Safe from Nutrisail but I quickly ordered some in to take with us. My husband never started back on them (I did not know this) I started back on them as soon as I received my shipment before leaving for vacation.

So four days ago (after 10 days of not taking B-Safe) I noticed him getting kind of sickly looking. That evening he was full blown SICK.
Fever, headache, body aches, runny nose NOT GOOD! My hubby never gets sick, and if he does he bounces back in 24 hours. NOT THIS TIME!

The second day into him feeling REALLY BAD. I asked him if he was taking the B-Safe...his cause we ran out.....

I immediately started him on 1 B-Safe twice a day.
Here is it is day # four and he is looking much much better and I NEVER GOT SICK :)

BSafe boosts your immune system!

Get started on B-Safe today. Hopefully you won't get sick this winter :)

Learn more about B-Safe and what is in it and what makes it work and why you need it too.
Go to

B-Safe kept me from getting sick
B-Safe Kept Me From Getting Sick

#FluBug #BSafe #Nutrisail #StayWell