BSafe does many things!
B-Safe reduces inflammation.
Today I received my first bottle of BSafe capsules.I did not even open it. I just put it on the counter.
It was time to go to my massage therapy appointment.
My shoulders have really been hurting since I was using the battery operated tree trimming chain saw for 1.5 hours straight last week.
Therapist said I stretched my rotor cup tendons further then they are used to.
Oh man did she inflict pain!!!
So I came home and put ice on it as instructed.

So I remembered reading a post on Facebook about a person who also went for a massage and came home hurting an was told to take a BSafe pill that it would be good for relieving inflammation.
So I grabbed my bottle of B-Safe and opened it up.
Grabbed ONE capsule and drank a large glass of water.
30 minutes later MY PAIN WAS GONE.
I then took another B-SAFE a couple hours later before my supper.
Here it is 7PM and I have NO SHOULDER PAIN - NONE!
I love it when I find a great product that allows me NOT to buy the other stuff for pain that has side effects that I don't want. I can now relieve my pain with BSafe.
From reading the info on the product. It says that it is an antioxidant, daily cleanser, immune booster and more. Wow that's a lot of stuff in one product. I like that! You get your moneys worth for sure.
Well I guess you could call this a BSafe review.
It passes with flying colors in my book!
If you want to try BSafe capsules go to