Showing posts with label b-lite review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label b-lite review. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2016

B-Lite Controls Your Hunger

B-Lite Controls Your Hunger

CONTROL your hunger

Essential B-Vitamins and other potent organic ingredients in B-LITE provide your brain and body with the nutrition—often missing from our diets—that restores balance to your natural hunger mechanisms.

 Powered by a highly bioavailable, complete B-vitamin complex, b-lite is a synergistic blend of vitamins, minerals and organic botanicals that boost metabolism, stimulate fat burning thermogenesis and curb unhealthy cravings. B-lite helps fuel your body with essential nutrients so you can enjoy your day with more focus and energy!

ENERGIZE your body

Energy. It’s just the one thing we never have enough of anymore, right? Wrong. B-LITE promotes smooth, feel-good energy that keeps you on track and feeling good about your day.

So in closing B-lite DECREASES your appetite and INCREASES your energy.

Read more about B-Lite at

B-Lite will make you feel good again!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Energy Drinks

Energy Drinks ?

ARG! Have you ever READ the ingredients in those things!

The caffeine in energy drinks is off the charts!

And then there is  more energy producing stuff in them. I drank one and I could not sleep all night!

My heart was beating so fast and I was scared I was going to have to go the hospital.

Now I read on the internet where people are drinking them and passing away from them!

One monster energy drink contains 240mg of caffeine. WOW!
That is like drinking 7 Cokes or 7 cups of coffee.
Some health experts say the caffeine content in energy drinks can be as high as 550 mg. OMG!!!

Your body is not built to take that much caffeine.

There is a better way to get energy. A much healthier way. It's what I do.

I take 1 capsule of B-Lite mid morning and if I need another, I will take another mid afternoon.
The energy is a feel good energy. I know you will like it. It beats drinking those nasty tasting energy drinks for sure!

What is B-Lite you might be asking. Click on the link below.

get healthy energy with b-lite from nutrisail
Get Healthy Energy From B-Lite

Friday, March 25, 2016


B-Lite is my feel good energy in a bottle!

B-lite from Nutrisail – I tried it & I love it!
I personally took ONE CAPSULE early in the morning before breakfast.
Once I was done with my breakfast, I had so much energy I had to do something!
I worked out at our home Gym for 45 minutes then drank a ton of water and went out and helped my husband cut and clear some trees for 2 hours.
Then we came in and I made dinner and I was still energized so I got on the elliptical for another 15 minutes. I slept like a baby that night!!!

I love what B-Lite does for me. It has curbed my appetite too.
I have not lost the 5 pounds I want to loose yet because I have only been on it a week.

But I have talked with many who have lost weight with BLite.

I am so happy with this product that I became a Nutrisail Distributor for B-Lite.
They also have another product called B-Safe but I have not tried that yet. I like to take one new product at a time so I can see what it does for me. And I love what BLite does for me :)

You can read more about B-lite at there is a link at the top of the page for BLite. Click that to learn more about it. You can read about other peoples experience with this wonderful product there as well.

B-Lite Capsules Daily Energizer Works For Me

B-Lite is my Daily Energizer

I have my B-Lite , time to get yours at