Showing posts with label blite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blite. Show all posts

Monday, May 1, 2023

How To Get Energy For Spring Cleaning

It's #springcleaning season, folks! 🌸 Time to let go of the old and welcome the new with a super clean house. 🏠 But do you need an energy boost to help you through it all? 🤔 Look no further - try BLite! 💥

Just one capsule in the morning, and you'll have the energy to clean for hours! Plus, it curbs cravings, elevates your mood, and boosts fat burning all day long. 🙌🏼 And guess what? We've got a special deal for you! 🎉 Buy 2 bottles of BLite and get one FREE! 😱

Don't miss out on this amazing offer! 💸 Get your B-LITE Energizing Fat Burner and kick start your weight loss journey while you clean! 🏋️‍♂️💪🏼

Order now at 🌐 Let's rock this #springcleaning together! 🌟


Spring Cleaning With BLite Energizer
BLite Gives Your Energy To Spring Clean

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

BMax Multi Vitamin From Nutrisail

BMax Multi Vitamin From Nutrisail

Its finally available! Nutrisail B-Max Multi Vitamin. I am so happy!

All the vitamins out there before BMax from Nutrisail has magnesium stearate or silica or both .
Who wants that in your body, not me!

Store bought vitamins have been proven to have a trace of what they list on the ingredients label. They try to cut corners for a bigger profit margin and to satisfy their stock holders.

Store bought vitamins have fillers in them and traces of the vitamins listed on the label. So you pay for something you are not getting!

BMax multi-vitamin has no fillers. No ingredients that does not serve a purpose for the user.

Nutrisail finds organic ingredients for their supplements. That is why you can feel Nutrisail vitamins working in your body. You can feel the changes going on.

B-Max is only available at this time to members  AKA brand fans for Nutrisail. I am glad I am a brand fan because I love the B-Max. I take 1 before each of meals which means I take two a day. That's all I need to stay healthy. The flu is crazy right now and I am healthy! No flu! Thanks to my Nutrisail supplements.

I also take this product, it gives me mental clarity to get my 2017 end of year books done. DONE!!! B-Lite gives me energy too. Glad I was taking my B-Lite during the holidays - B-Lite helped me curb my sweet tooth so I was able to taste the sweet stuff and then not have anymore. Worked great!

So I have given you a little in site to our B-Max below I will put the list of ingredients so you can see for yourself what a wonderful product BMax is. I will also put a link below where you sign up as a Nutrisail brand fan for free then you can see ALL  of the products that Nutrisail has to offer. Nutrisail has several other supplements I have not mentioned here. Become a brand fan and check them out for yourself.

Here is the link to check out all of our products

Here is the list of ingredients in fillers, no magnesium stearate or silica
B-Max from Nutrisail contains no fillers or magnisium stearate. Just lots of great ingredients to make your body healthy
BMax from Nutrisail Ingredients list


Thursday, December 21, 2017

B-Lite Classic

B-Lite Classic

Just ONE of the IMPORTANT Benefits of the array of 8 different VIT. B’s in our B-LITE Classic
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is an important vitamin required by the human body. It can be found in meat, green leaves, and vegetables and is essential for the breakdown of fat and protein. It also keeps the mucous membranes healthy.

The top five health benefits of vitamin B1 In our BLite Classic are:

1. Energy production: Vitamin B1 is responsible for converting sugar into energy. The vitamin acts as a co-enzyme in oxidizing sugar to produce energy for the smooth functioning of the body organs, especially the heart, brain, lungs, and kidneys.
2. Cardiovascular functions: This vitamin is responsible for the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that relays messages to the muscles and nerves. A deficiency of vitamin B1 leads to a decrease in the neurotransmitter and causes irregular heartbeat. Severe deficiency can cause congestive heart failure.
3. Eye health benefits: Essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 together with vitamin B1 help ensure eye health and prevent the formation of cataracts.
4. Improves brain function: It ensures smooth functioning of the brain and helps improve memory and concentration. Vitamin B1 helps relieve stress and also helps strengthen the nerves. The vitamin is used to reduce the progression of multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, cirrhosis, and other infections.
5. Development of myelin sheaths: Myelin sheaths are the protective covering of the nerves. Deficiency of vitamin B1 results in weakening of the sheaths. Adequate intake of vitamin B1 ensures the development of myelin sheaths and aids nerve functioning.
© Newsmax. All rights reserved.
Get started on B-Lite Classic today and feel GREAT in a very short period of time :)
Here is where you can find BLite Classic - Click on the link below
B-Lite Classic  from Nutrisail , no fillers all good stuff ! Start now
B-Lite Classic

Thursday, October 26, 2017

BLite Daily Energizer From NutriSail

BLite Daily Energizer From Nutrisail

B-Lite Daily Energizer from Nutrisail is a product from Nutrisail based out of Texas. It has been on the market for 9 years. Nutrisail BLite has been helping men and women get their health back for years. Over the years B-Lite from Nutrisail has seen many loose weight and reach the health goals they were hoping for. BLite has a  full spectrum of B Vitamins. Many people say they already take B vitamins, but do you FEEL the B Vitamins working? You will with Nutrisail BLite. B-Lite has 95 mg of all natural caffeine, the equivalent of one cup of coffee. They also have a proprietary blend of herbs to increase energy, burn fat, increase mental clarity and control your appetite. The formula for Nutrisail’s B-Lite is one that works, you can feel the energy in 30 minutes. No jitters, no increased heart rate, just clean energy is what you will feel with this product.
When it comes to nutritional supplement formulas Nutrisail does not believe in shortcuts even if it costs more to produce. That’s why they only use premium, quality tested ingredients. When it comes to safety and effectiveness, we think it makes all the difference. So far, our customers agree.
Nutrisail does not put any fillers in their products AND no magnesium stearate that keeps vitamins from being digested properly in your body. All Nutrisail’s  products are Gluten Free, GMO Free and made in America with no fillers.
Here is what B-Lite can do for you
  • Control your appetite
  • Control your cravings
  • Energize your day
  • Enhance your mood
  • Boost fat loss
  • Increase mental clarity
  • Make you feel healthier
Are you ready to give BLite a try? Get your B-Lite at
Blite give you energy, mental clarity, burns fat and much more
Get started on BLite today


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Sugary Drinks

Sugary Drinks

Ed's Pissed! 
mountain dew

WHY do they continue to shove sugary sweet drinks in front of us that R addicting? 
The sugar turns to fat people! 
Need energy? 
Try a supplement like B-Lite Extra or B-Lite Classic. 
Don't drink that crap they are pushing on the ingredients - its scary!
Get your B-Lite at

Nutrisail B-Lite
Take B-Lite And Make The Better Choice

#healthyliving #healthyeating #energydrinksarebad #sugarydrinks

Monday, January 30, 2017


Are You Looking For TriChromaleane?

Stop looking now. The original Tri-Chromaleane no longer exists.

Because we can no longer have Mahuang in our supplements per a FDA law :(

I have been looking for a replacement for YEARS!
Finally found something.

I have been taking this product since March 2016/. I love it! As much as I did the old Tri-C.

Tri-Chromalean was a great product in its time. Now its time to move on.

If you took Tri-Chromaleane before you will love this product that I found.

It give me energy, mental clarity, increase fat burning, curbs my appetite. It does everything that TriChromaleane used to do.

This product has a totally different formula but does the same thing as Tri-C did.

Check it out for yourself. Read the onsite testimonies. Buy a small container of it to try if you are not sure. I know you will love it.

Here is the website for the product I found.

I feel great! You can too!

Monday, January 23, 2017

B-Lite Gives You Mental Clarity

B-Lite Gives You Mental Clarity

Exams? Office work? You need B-Lite
Mental Clarity & Focus we all need it!

Do you...
Work at job
Do computer work
Take college tests
Balance your check book
Make a grocery list
Have a home business to run
Help your children with their homework

Whatever the task B-Lite can help.
B-Lite can
Help you focus on your work
Give you mental clarity
Help you remember things
Help you think clearer

B-Lite can also
Give you energy for all of the daily
things that need to get done.

Do you sit in front of a computer most 
of the day? Do you snack during that
time? B-Lite will curb those snack

Does B-Lite sound like something you
need for your busy life. If so visit our
website below to read more about it then
place your order for your bottle. We have 
fast shipping so it will get to you quickly.

Visit the website below if B-Lite is for you.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

B-Lite Gives You Energy & Curbs Ur Appetite & Increases Mental Clarity

B-Lite Gives You Energy & Curbs Your Cravings

 Some of you remember products called
Thermo-Lift Classic

All of the above products gave you 
Curbed your cravings for sweets
Helped you eat less
Gave you  mental clarity
Helped you loose weight

They were all great products. ONE PROBLEM
They are all no longer being made because they had Mahuang in them. 
That is a form of Ephedra. It was banned in the United States years ago.
Since then I have been searching for a product to replace those products. I tried so many products over the years. Some made me jittery, some made my heart race, some made me sick to my stomach, some kept me from sleeping at night.

Finally after 8 plus years I have found something to replace those discontinued products and this product does not make my heart race, does not give me the jitters, does not make my stomach sick and it does not keep me up at night.

What it does do is give me a feel good energy and a mental clarity to get my work done. Whether it is office work or house work or yard work. I am energized for hours! When I take this product as soon as I wake up with a large glass of water. I eat better food choices and less of them for breakfast. If my days are long I take another about 1/2 before noon time and it carries me for the rest of the day.

Because it curbs my sweet tooth and my appetite some, I have lost inches and pounds. I am so happy to have found this product.

Are you looking for a replacement product for those past products that you liked for energy, appetite suppression and weight loss? If so you need to try B-Lite. Go to the website. Read more about it. Make your own choice. You can try B-Lite for as little as 19.95 just to see if you feel the energy and appetite suppression. That is what I did in the beginning and I have been taking it ever since.

Feel energized again, enjoy a clear mind, weigh loss with B-Lite

Friday, March 25, 2016


B-Lite is my feel good energy in a bottle!

B-lite from Nutrisail – I tried it & I love it!
I personally took ONE CAPSULE early in the morning before breakfast.
Once I was done with my breakfast, I had so much energy I had to do something!
I worked out at our home Gym for 45 minutes then drank a ton of water and went out and helped my husband cut and clear some trees for 2 hours.
Then we came in and I made dinner and I was still energized so I got on the elliptical for another 15 minutes. I slept like a baby that night!!!

I love what B-Lite does for me. It has curbed my appetite too.
I have not lost the 5 pounds I want to loose yet because I have only been on it a week.

But I have talked with many who have lost weight with BLite.

I am so happy with this product that I became a Nutrisail Distributor for B-Lite.
They also have another product called B-Safe but I have not tried that yet. I like to take one new product at a time so I can see what it does for me. And I love what BLite does for me :)

You can read more about B-lite at there is a link at the top of the page for BLite. Click that to learn more about it. You can read about other peoples experience with this wonderful product there as well.

B-Lite Capsules Daily Energizer Works For Me

B-Lite is my Daily Energizer

I have my B-Lite , time to get yours at

Monday, March 14, 2016


I am a Nutrisail Distributor

My name is Patricia Koch

I was introduced to Nutrisail on 3/1/2016
I checked out the website which I liked a lot!
Easy to navigate.
Presently they have 6 products.
Two of them are...
BLite which gives you LOTS of energy, appetite control and fast weight loss.
BSafe which is great for keeping your immune system healthy so you can fight off all those nasty bugs.
Thru their website I also learned that it was very easy to make money with Nutrisail and if I wanted, I did not have to spend a dime and I could still make money.
I could have a home business with a great website with out putting out a dime!
How awesome is that??
I called the company and spoke to someone there and they were pleasant and helpful....I like that.
They are not a new company, they have been around for a few years. I like that too.

I decided to try Nutrisail's BLite. I ordered the 5 sample packs for 19.95....just in case I liked it I could share it with my friends.
I received the samples with in a week of ordering them. I took ONE capsule the following day.
I had so much energy with in a 1/2 of taking the ONE BLite that I worked out for 45 minutes. I went out and did yard work for 2 hours. I came in and cooked dinner, then I worked out for another 1/2 hour. That night I slept like a baby. That was all because of ONE CAPSULE of BLite.

I am now sharing the rest of the samples with my friends and the results are the same for them. They all love the BLite.

I like the company and the products.
If you are looking for a great energy and weight loss product and/or if you looking for a home business with little or not cost to you .
Click Here To Sign Up For Free And Start Making Money

Join Nutrisail For FREE
